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Creepy Tale 3

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2.6 (5 vote)

Creepy, but incredibly interesting game. The product will surely appeal to fans of horror. You can play online using any modern gadget.

The plot and interface features

The story of a girl named Ingrid unfolds on the screen. She did not live a righteous life itself and was sent to hell for everything she had done. Whether she manages to get out of this place or stay here forever depends on the user.
As the story progresses, gamers will have to solve a lot of difficult puzzles. Tasks are further complicated by the fact that to solve them you often need to use different objects. There are a lot of them around the main character. The main thing is to choose the right tool and apply it for its intended purpose. Do not forget about the secondary characters. As you travel, Ingrid will meet a lot of humanoid and not so monsters.
The game has multiple endings. And not all of them are positive for the main character. However, it all depends on the player and his intentions. Thus, a gamer can play the role of a noble savior, or vice versa, transform into a cruel and merciless judge who will deliver his final verdict at the last level.

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