The Vita Carnis series delves into a fictional yet unsettling universe where flesh-based creatures known as the Vita Carnis genus emerge as a new order in Earth’s ecosystem. From humanoid Mimics to rooted Harvesters, these entities each serve a distinct, often predatory role that redefines nature’s balance. While the creatures vary widely in appearance and behavior, their singular focus on consuming organic matter — especially humans — has ignited widespread fears and conspiracy theories about their true purpose. Official studies hint at their link to the Singularity, a shadowy force whose influence may be the key to their origins and ominous patterns.
Human encounters with Vita Carnis species reveal a complex societal reaction, ranging from fear and resistance to awe and exploitation. In response to their presence, governments have issued survival guidelines, companies have commercialized certain creatures, and fringe groups have transformed these entities into symbols of power. Each creature’s unique abilities, such as the Mimics’ deceptive appearances or the Harvesters’ toxin-laced roots, underscore the peril and fascination of life within this fictional world. As these interactions deepen, the Vita Carnis species challenge our understanding of coexistence, forcing humanity to confront a radically altered world order.